Slowing Big Data Confusion Starts In the C-Suite

What’s the confusion? As it should be, the targeted business audience for Big Data, Business Intelligence and data analytics is business executives and its owners. Each business executive must use data to improve operational efficiencies, comply with regulatory requirements and use data to assess how to improve their products and services.
This all leads to growing revenues. Where’s the confusion in all this? It comes from multiple places.
First, there’s no off the shelf solution to meeting a business executives’ requirements for hardware, software and professional services. Making matters worse. Many business executives’ professional roots do not come from IT. Having lived in a world of readily available apps, business owners are often confused on how to purchase and implement the right solution for their respective business requirements for data analytics. Seeing the right solution comes from three sources, hardware, software, and professional services companies, only compounds the confusion. Good solutions must be customized for particular environments and business strategies.
Many of you are scratching your head and saying, CUSTOMIZATION! You have to be kidding me; we’re way past custom solutions. Because we now live in the world of open source, you’re right if you agree we’re past hard coded custom software solutions. In today’s environment, customization includes the right combination of tools, software, and implementation with the best business processes and governance practices. This delivers the optimal Business Intelligence solution for business owners.
Because of confusion, organizations have purchased a flavor of every new tool developed by Silicon Valley, but have been disappointed by having not solved and/or met their business requirements. In search of a competitive edge, companies have actually made finding their best solutions more challenging by adding ever more technology, business platforms, tools, and software products.
To unwind the confusion, we simply must lead with the business problem first, not with technology! Sure, embrace your technology partners as part of your solution, but business executives and owners must learn to lead in the customization and design of their business objectives.
The good news. Those businesses truly leading in the design and customization of their Business Intelligence and Big Data capabilities will enjoy real enterprise differentiation; setting the pace for how businesses compete and win in their respective markets.